
Swinburne speaks

An update on the SCP controversy, about which I have blogged recently (here, here, and here).  I have been in communication with Prof. Richard Swinburne, who has kindly offered “thanks for the support which you have given to me personally and to everyone concerned that the SCP should welcome lectures and papers from those defending traditional Christian morality.”  Prof. Swinburne informs me that he has prepared a public statement on the controversy.  Since readers of this blog will naturally find such a statement of interest, I offered to post it here.  Here it is:

It is sad that my recent keynote lecture on "Christian moral teaching on sex, family, and life" at the Midwest conference of the Society of Christian philosophers has led to so much ill-feeling between Christians, and between Christians and non-Christians. I do feel strongly that traditional Christian views on these matters  should be subjected to critical philosophical assessment in the friendly atmosphere typical of philosophical seminars; and that proponents of opposite views should be free to express and defend their views in public (including in any SCP conference or journal) - so long as they express them with sensitivity to the feelings of others (and perhaps also with that qualification appropriate to almost all philosophical views - 'It is just possible that I am  mistaken'!) Michael Rea, the current President of the SCP has assured me that that is the SCP policy. So I believe that the SCP provides a very good forum for such discussions; and it has my strong support in its work.
Swinburne speaks Swinburne speaks Reviewed by Generating Smart Health on 17:44 Rating: 5
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