
Nothing has changed

Recently I announced my intention not to renew my membership in the Society of Christian Philosophers (SCP) in light of SCP President Michael Rea’s statement distancing the SCP from a talk on traditional sexual morality given by Prof. Richard Swinburne at an SCP conference.  (I’ve discussed the controversy generated by this statement hereand here.)  More recently I called attention to Prof. Swinburne’s public statement on the matter.  I have been asked if I have changed my mind in light of Swinburne’s statement.  The answer is No, I have not. 

I posted Prof. Swinburne's statement not to endorse it but rather because I think it only fair to him that his own views on this matter get publicity.

In my view, however, nothing has changed.  Prof. Swinburne is free graciously and humbly to refrain from demanding an apology for any offense caused to him personally.  But the issue is really not primarily about him.  It's about the “message” Rea's statement sent about those who defend traditional Christian sexual morality in general. They were all effectively thrown under the bus by that statement, not just Swinburne alone.

As I keep saying, to cancel the implicature or “message sent” by Rea's original statement would take an equally clear, forceful, and public statement by Rea himself in his capacity as SCP President.  We still don't have that, and from what I can see we are not going to get it.
Nothing has changed Nothing has changed Reviewed by Generating Smart Health on 09:36 Rating: 5
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