
Forthcoming speaking engagements

The Thomistic Institute and St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at the University of Virginia are co-sponsoring a day of lectures on natural theology on Saturday, January 28.  The speakers are Edward Feser and Fr. James Brent.  Details hereand here.

I will be giving the Cardinal Stafford Lectures at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, CO this March 22.  Details forthcoming.

Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY will be hosting the Seventh Annual Philosophy Workshop from June 29 - July 2, on the theme Aquinas on Metaphysics.  The speakers will be James Brent, OP, Michael Gorman, Jeffrey Brower, Candace Vogler, Edward Feser, John O’Callaghan, Alfred Freddoso, and Steven Long.
Forthcoming speaking engagements Forthcoming speaking engagements Reviewed by Generating Smart Health on 12:21 Rating: 5
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